User Management

In the user management you can see who has access to your project, and assign roles to each user. For a description of roles available please see roles & permissions. Access to projects in Agouti is granted by invitation only. As principal investigator or project coordinator you can invite members by following these steps:

  1. Go to user management and copy the link under project access.

  2. Send the link to your collaborator, ask them to request access by using the link and to notify you when they’ve done so.

  3. The request is now shown in your project’s user management. You can accept or reject the request. After accepting, the default role is volunteer. Adjust this if necessary by editing the user in the list of members.

  4. When a collaborator leaves your project, remember to revoke their access. Do this by clicking ‘Delete’ in the list of members.

We recommend to periodically check the user list and revoke access to your project for users that have since left your project.