

On this page you can browse all deployments in this project. In the table, each row shows a deployment with the following columns:

  • Sampling point: on what sampling point the deployment was placed

  • Start: timestamp start of deployment

  • End: timestamp end of deployment

  • UTC offset: offset in hours from UTC time

  • Sequences: the amount of sequences in the deployment

  • Tags: any tags that were added to the deployment

  • Progress: annotation progress. In blue sequences that were annotated by an user and in green sequences that were annotated by the AI.

Click the show details button the expand the deployment row and show all the details. Here, you can also Delete, Edit or Annotate the deployment.

You can filter and sort deployment by typing into the boxes in the top row of the table. There may be multiple pages of results, use the page controls below the table to browse through pages.


This page show all the observations and unannotated sequences in the project. Using the boxes in the top column you can and sort to quickly make a selection. This way you can easily check and correct observations. If a row is mostly empty with the column observation type showing the value unclassified, it means that sequence was not yet processed. you can directly edit the observation by clicking on the little pencil on the right hand side of each row. This opens a modal that works similar to the regular annotation page.

There may be multiple pages of results, use the page controls below the table to browse through pages.

This overview is new and we are interested in receiving your feedback.