Roles and Permissions

Role Description Access Create project Export data Manage users Manage sampling Upload deployments Annotate deployments Browse data Validate observations Use AI
Admin This role is reserved for Agouti’s technical staff. Has access to all projects and sections, including underlying systems to help troubleshooting. Only admins can create a new project. x x x x x x x x
Principal investigator Person responsible for the project. Has access to all sections within a project. x x x x x x x x
Project coordinator Daily manager of the project. Typically handles users and oversees processing. Can access all sections expect for export data. x x x x x x x
Taxonomic expert Expert at identifying animals. Spends most time validating and correcting observations entered by others. Cannot access project settings, sampling management, user management and export data. x x x x
Photo processor Can only upload new deployments, annotate sequences and browse deployments assigned to the user. x x x
Volunteer Least permissive role, can only annotate already imported deployments but not upload new material or browse deployments. x
View only Can only view deployments, sequences and annotations in the project but not change anything.
Dummy This role is assigned to user accounts that are automatically generated when a nonregistered user is used as an attribute of a deployment. For example, a field technician that doesn’t use Agouti but did set up the camera. No rights
Awaiting access When a registered user request access to a project, but this request was not yet accepted or rejected. It’s only effect is that the project shows up on the users’ dashboard, so they can see that the request is still pending.