
Unannotated deployments

This table shows all deployment in your project that have not been completely annotated yet. Use the boxes to filter and sort the list. There is pagination below the table.

To annotate a deployment by hand, click the annotate button on the right had side of a row. This brings you to the annotation page. If an AI model for automatic classification is set in the project settings, the button annotate by AI is shown. Click this one to send the deployment to the AI queue, which will process the deployment and add observations in the background. You cannot work on a deployment manually when it’s in the AI queue.

Manual annotation

The page is divided in several block, each with it’s own role. In the center, the images of the current sequence are shown. If a sequence contains multiple images, you can scroll through them by clicking on the side of the image, dragging the bar below the image or using the arrow keys. You can zoom and pan the image with the scroll wheel and dragging the image. Just above the image, there are controls to adjust the contrast and brightness, a button to favorite the current image and a button to reset the zoom.

At the top of the page, the sampling point, amount of sequences and your current position in the deployment and sequence controls are shown. Use the back and next button to move through the deployment, sequence by sequence. There is also a shortcut button to go the next unannotated sequence.

On the right hand side, the observation list and observation form are shown. These show what observation have been added to the sequence, and allow you to add, edit and delete observations. Make sure to follow the project’s protocol when adding observations. Contact your project coordinator if you are not sure what information is required and optional. In general, we recommend to enter at least the species and amount. Next to each observation, a little icon shows if it was added by the AI (chip icon) or an user (person icon).

Below the form, shortcut buttons for blank, setup/pickup, deployment calibration and unknown sequence are shown. Clicking these will automatically complete the sequence and jump to the next unannotated one.

If you have the amount of species shortcuts in your personal settings set to something other than zero, shortcut button for the last species you have entered will appear as you work through the sequences. Use these to quickly add an observation of that species.

The deployment calibration is a special mode used when recording animal tracks for density estimation. See the dedicated page that describes everything that is needed for this to work.

Keyboard shortcuts

Agouti has some basic keyboard shorcust that can be used to annotate more quickly:

During annotation, you can navigate by using:

  • N for Next: move to the next sequence

  • B for Back: move back one sequence

  • U for Next unnanonated

  • E opens Exif tool data

  • R resets the brightness/contrast

  • Z resets the zoom

  • A Add animal

Further controls:

  • Left and right arrow keys select the previous/next frame of the sequence

  • Default the ‘Animal’ button is selected, by using tab or shift tab you can move to the next / previous button

  • On Enter the button is activated, e.g. the Animal form is opened or the sequence is marked ‘Blank/Empty’

  • On Escape the form is closed (or canceled if not yet saved)

When opening the Animal form:

  • If no species is selected, the Species selector is focused

  • If a species is selected, the Smount box is selected

  • Use tab / shift + tab to move through fields

  • Dropdowns are expanded when in focus

  • Species shortcuts can be used by using keyboard keys 1, 2, 3, etc.

When opening an already annotated sequence:

  • The Valid box is selected by default

  • Use tab / shift + tab to select an observation and press Enter to open it