Introduction header

What is Agouti?

Camera traps provide an easy and non-invasive way to study wildlife. However, manually processing the millions of images that a typical study generates quickly becomes a challenge. By leveraging artificial intelligence, Agouti can automatically recognize many species and filter blank images.

Agouti is a complete solution for organizations and professionals that use camera traps to survey wildlife. It lets camera trappers organize surveys, efficiently process images, obtain standardized output of the results, safely archive your data. Agouti follows the Camera Trap Data Package standard, a community developed data exchange format for camera trap data.


After collecting cameras from the field, users upload the entire contents of the memory cards to Agouti. You enter the location and deployment details and Agouti automatically pulls timestamps and other metadata from the images, and groups images in sequences that represent the same event. You then have the option to apply one of our automatic species classification models, or inspect each image sequence manually and annotate them with one or more observations, using an easy interface.

Whenever you like, your data can be exported as a standardized Camera Trap Data Package for analysis in software such as R. We recommend using the R package camtraptor as a start. It offers several commonly used functions, including conversion to other formats.

Private & Secure

Data ownership matters. Agouti does not claim any ownership on your data. We do not use, share or distribute data to third parties without your written permission. Your data is not used by Wageningen University to improve our AI models without your written permission. You always maintain full control who gets access to your projects, so you can collaborate on your own terms and timeline.

Agouti stores all data at the two data centers of Wageningen University in the Netherlands. Our fully redundant infrastructure ensures optimal access to your data and eliminates the risk of data loss by failing hard drives, user error or crashing computers. Agouti does not use any commercial cloud services for data storage, and does not profile or track it’s users.

We are in the process of translating above into a formal text, the aim of which is to provide legal clarity where it is needed.