Export data

Here, you can export data from your project. This functionality can only be accessed by a principal investigator or admin.

To create a new export, click the Create export button. Depending on the size of your project this process may take a few minutes up to several hours. Refresh the page or check back later. You don’t have to keep the page open, exports are generated in the background. If it takes longer than 4 hours or the export shows an error, please contact us for assistance.

Camtrap DP

All exports are formatted as Camera Trap Data Packages (Camtrap DP), a community developed data exchange format for camera trap data. It is a zip file with metadata (JSON file) and data (CSV files).

Software to work with Camtrap DP


v4.1 (2023-11-10)

Data are exported as Camtrap DP 1.0, the first major release of Camtrap DP. This version is also supported by the GBIF IPT (3.0). There are significant changes in the relation between media and observations, field names and metadata compared to the previous export format. The current version of camtraptor (0.21.0) will down-convert the format to the Camtrap DP 0.1.6 (the previous export format of Agouti).

v3.11.1 (2021-10-21)

Data are exported as Camtrap DP 0.1.6, one of the early test releases of Camtrap DP.