
To upload a new deployment to your project, follow these steps:

  • Click the button new deployment. A modal opens.

  • Using drag & drop, drag all the files from your local folder onto to modal. When the text drop to upload shows, let go. The files will now start uploading. Depending on your connection speed and the server load, this can take a while.

  • Alternatively, use the select files button to open a traditional file select dialog. This dialog is limited and allows you to only select a limited amount of files. We recommend to use drag & drop instead.

  • You can upload your files in batches if you like. Just add more files when the queue completes and they are added to the same deployment. Duplicates are skipped automatically.

  • Never mix files from different deployment. Always upload all files from a single camera, from the first to the last one taken. So all files, from starting the camera to powering it down again.

  • If the camera made several subfolders or restarted counting at some point, upload these folders as separate deployments. Alternatively, use a tool or script to continue the numbering.

  • There is no limit to the amount of files you can upload per deployment, but you may want to split large deployments of into parts consisting of no more than 10.000 files. They will be adjacent in time, so this is fairly easy to merge during analysis.

  • After the queue completes uploading, close the modal. A button called create sequence now appears. Click it and confirm the prompt to start building sequences.

Next, fill out the new deployment form. This is a crucial step to ensure it’s clear where the files came from.

  • Start by filling out the sampling point. Create a new one if needed. Make sure the coordinates are correct.

  • If a default UTC offset is defined in the project settings, this is filled by default. Adjust it if necessary, or fill it when a default was not set.

  • The start and end timestamps of the deployment will be filled in automatically by the system, after you complete the form. They are taken form the first and last files of the deployment.

  • Optionally, fill out the rest of the form. When done, click finish deployment.

  • The system will now create sequences in the background, which make take a few minutes. You can continue working in the meantime, and upload or annotate another deployment.

In case you have uploaded videos, there is one additional step before the new deployment form is shown: entering timestamps. Unfortunately, unlike EXIF for images, there is no standardized metadata format that logs the moment of recording for videos. Therefore, we cannot automatically read this from the files and you have to enter the timestamp by hand. This is done on a separate page, which is only shown when you’ve uploaded videos. We recommend using images for this reason.